CoralNet now uses updated Version 2.0 carbonate production rates as the default tables to estimate coral reef carbonate production from image annotations [1]. The previous area-normalized calcification, macrobioerosion, and microbioerosion rates [2] were updated to Version 2.0 to include more recent data and revised methods to increase consistency with the latest ReefBudget methodology [1]. Please see the full description of methods, updates, and changes in the Version 2.0 carbonate production rates here:

The updated Version 2.0 carbonate production rates for the Indo-Pacific and Western Atlantic [1] are now the current default carbonate production rate tables used in CoralNet and should be used in place of the previous Version 1.0 carbonate production rates [2] when following the calcification tutorial to produce more accurate estimates of coral reef carbonate production:

In addition to updated carbonate production rates, a Shiny app is available to generate custom area-normalized calcification rates for additional labels not currently supported or to generate local rates to substitute for regional averages provided in the default carbonate production rate table [1]. You can access the Shiny app through the Version 2.0 release [1] or directly here:

These updated rates support the original addition of coral carbonate production estimates to CoralNet that was made possible by the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program through a grant (NA15OAR4320071) awarded to Andreas Andersson (SIO-UCSD) and David Kriegman (UCSD) and implemented by Travis Courtney (SIO-UCSD, now at UPR Mayagüez) and Stephen Chan (UCSD).


[1] Courtney TA, Lange ID, Sannassy Pilly S, Townsend JE, Chan S, Perry CT, Kriegman DJ, Andersson AJ (2024) Area-normalized scaling of ReefBudget calcification, macrobioerosion, and microbioerosion rates for use with CoralNet Version 2.0

[2] Courtney TA, Chan S, Lange ID, Perry CT, Kriegman DJ, Andersson AJ (2021) Area-normalized scaling of ReefBudget calcification, macrobioerosion, and microbioerosion rates for use with CoralNet Version 1.0