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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Site map

  • Check here if you're looking for a particular function, like data export.


  • Step by step explanations of some CoralNet workflows.

Deploy API

  • The CoralNet API allows you to deploy a trained classifier on new images without uploading them to CoralNet. This means that once you have a classifier in your source for which performance is satisfactory, you can programmatically apply it to thousands of images with little effort.

Google Group forum

  • You can use this forum to ask questions, and search for past questions and answers.
  • Note that we have a forum thread dedicated to user-account issues. For example, if you're having trouble activating your account, you can post in this thread.
  • You might not be notified automatically when someone replies to your post. You may want to subscribe to the Google Group to get notifications about all group activity. Alternatively, when you make a post using the Google Group interface, you can use the "Email updates to me" checkbox.
  • We'll do our best to make sure all questions get answered within 5 days.
  • We use a public group forum so that everyone can learn from previous questions and answers. But if your forum question ends up requiring you to share private data or information with us, then we can continue in a private email conversation to address that.

Old video tutorials

  • In general, we no longer have the resources to maintain up-to-date video tutorials, so these are quite old (made before CoralNet Beta). However, if you learn best from videos, then these could help you get a general idea of how to use CoralNet.