
The Crystal Floor in Cocos Island combines scientific rigor with innovative technology to monitor and protect Cocos Island's coral reefs. We collaborate with park rangers and SINAC to monitor Cocos Island's coral reefs with photogrammetry. Biannual expeditions, aligned with the PRONAMEC protocol (led by the rangers), involve capturing 3D models of coral and rocky reefs for data on rugosity, coverage percentages (algae, healthy/bleached/diseased/dead coral, etc), and reef health. This non-invasive method provides crucial insights and serves as an educational tool through presentations and webinars. Rangers are trained in 3D modeling, ensuring sustained efforts, while aerial drones capture 2D models for long-term reef coverage assessments. The project integrates technology, education, and local engagement for effective coral reef conservation.

Image Status

Unclassified: 1
Unconfirmed: 0
Confirmed: 0
Total images: 1


  • Visibility: Public
  • Point generation method: Simple random, 100 points
  • Default image annotation area: X: 0 - 100% / Y: 0 - 100%
  • Latitude & Longitude: 5.531228, -87.0605
  • Created: Jan. 30, 2024

Affiliation & Members

innoceanacr Admin


  • Classifier status: No classifier yet. Need a minimum of 20 Confirmed images to train a classifier.
  • Feature extractor: EfficientNet (default)