
Reef monitoring, reef crest found along the edge of the western side of the main La Sagesse bay channel. Monitoring quadratic demarcated with 4 rebar stakes creating a rectangle sunning ~ S - N. Transect 1 is the furthest E and transect 5 is the furthest W. Each transect 2 m apart.

Image Status

Unclassified: 0
Unconfirmed: 0
Confirmed: 75
Total images: 75


  • Visibility: Public
  • Point generation method: Simple random, 25 points
  • Default image annotation area: X: 5 - 95% / Y: 5 - 95%
  • Latitude & Longitude: 12.01325, -61.6666
  • Created: Dec. 6, 2020

Affiliation & Members

Carib Marine
CaribMarine Admin
  • Last classifier saved: Dec. 15, 2020, 3:28 p.m.
  • Last classifier trained: Dec. 15, 2020, 4:10 p.m.
  • Feature extractor: VGG16 (legacy)
  • Confidence threshold: 100%