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This labelset has 48 labels:
Name Short Code Functional Group
Acropora (branching) Acr_bra Hard coral
Bleached Hard Coral B_HC Hard coral
Colpophyllia natans CoNat Hard coral
Diploastrea Diplo Hard coral
Dipsastraea Dipsa Hard coral
Echinopora Echinopora Hard coral
Euphyllia Euphyllia Hard coral
Galaxea Galaxea Hard coral
Goniastrea Goniastrea Hard coral
Halomitra Hal Hard coral
Hard coral HC Hard coral
Herpolitha Herpo Hard coral
Leptoria Leptoria Hard coral
Lithophyllon Litho Hard coral
Lobophyllia Lobophyl Hard coral
Montipora Monti Hard coral
Oxypora Oxyp Hard coral
Physogyra Phys Hard coral
Pocillopora Pocill Hard coral
Porites Porites Hard coral
Recent Dead Coral RD_HC Hard coral
Stephanocoenia intersepta StephInt Hard coral
Anthelia anthe Other Invertebrates
Condylactis gigantea CONGI Other Invertebrates
Diadema Dia_D Other Invertebrates
Didemnum molle DidM Other Invertebrates
Eunicea spp. EUNSPP Other Invertebrates
Linckia sp. LinSp Other Invertebrates
Millepora Millepora Other Invertebrates
Fire Weed Hydroid P_ach Other Invertebrates
Pearsonothuria Pearson Other Invertebrates
Radianthus magnifica Rmag Other Invertebrates
Sclerophytum Scle Other Invertebrates
Sponge SP Other Invertebrates
Xenia Xeni Other Invertebrates
Sediment Sediment Soft Substrate
Rock Rock Hard Substrate
Broken coral rubble C-Rubble Other
Non-Bio Non-Bio Other
Shadow SHAD Other
Algae Algae Algae
Dictyota Dictyota Algae
Galaxaura Galaxaura Algae
Hypnea Hyp Algae
Padina Padina Algae
Sargassum Sargassum Algae
Turbinaria (algae) Turbin Algae