Name | Short Code | Functional Group |
Acanthastrea | Acanth | Hard coral |
Acanthastrea Dead | ACDD | Hard coral |
Acropora (branching) | Acr_bra | Hard coral |
Acropora | Acropora | Hard coral |
Acropora (tabulate) | Acr_tab | Hard coral |
Astreopora | Astreo | Hard coral |
Bleached Acropora | B_Acro | Hard coral |
Bleached Acropora branching | BAcroBr | Hard coral |
Bleached Acropora tabulate | BAT | Hard coral |
Bleached Cyphastrea | B_Cyph | Hard coral |
Bleached Goniopora | B_Goniop | Hard coral |
Bleached Pocillopora | B_Pocillo | Hard coral |
Hard Coral (branching) | C_branch | Hard coral |
Cyphastrea | Cypha | Hard coral |
Dead Acropora (branching) | DAcropBra | Hard coral |
Dead Acropora | Dead Acrop | Hard coral |
Dead Favites | DFav | Hard coral |
Dipsastraea | Dipsa | Hard coral |
Dead Massive Coral | DMS | Hard coral |
Favites | Favites | Hard coral |
Fungia | Fungia | Hard coral |
Goniastrea | Goniastrea | Hard coral |
Goniopora | Goniopora | Hard coral |
Hard Coral (encrusting) | HC_encr | Hard coral |
Hard Coral (massive) | HC_massive | Hard coral |
Isopora | Isopora | Hard coral |
Lobophyllia | Lobophyl | Hard coral |
Pocillopora | Pocill | Hard coral |
Seriatopora | Seriatop | Hard coral |
Stylophora | Styloph | Hard coral |
Turf Algae-covered Cyphastrea | TACYP | Hard coral |
Turf Algae-covered Goniastrea | TAGEA | Hard coral |
Turf Algae-covered Goniopora | TAGRA | Hard coral |
Cladiella | Clad | Other Invertebrates |
Clam, unidentified | Clm | Other Invertebrates |
Corallimorpharia | Collimorph | Other Invertebrates |
Echinoderms | ECHINODERM | Other Invertebrates |
Molluscs: Bivalves | MOBI | Other Invertebrates |
Octocorallia | Octocoral | Other Invertebrates |
Porifera | Prfa | Other Invertebrates |
Sarcophyton | Sarco | Other Invertebrates |
Soft Coral | SC | Other Invertebrates |
Sand | Sand | Soft Substrate |
Astreopora spp._recently dead | ASSP_RD | Hard Substrate |
Cyphastrea spp. recently dead | CYSP_RD | Hard Substrate |
Dead coral | D_coral | Hard Substrate |
Dead encrusting coral | D_Encrus | Hard Substrate |
Turf algae on Dead Acropora (tabulate) | TURDAcrTab | Hard Substrate |
Dead Dipsastraea with Turf Algae | TURDDipsa | Hard Substrate |
Dead coral with turf algae | TURDHC | Hard Substrate |
Turf Algae on Recently Dead Lobophyllia | TURDLobo | Hard Substrate |
Wood | Wood | Hard Substrate |
Rubble | Rubble | Other |
Transect hardware | Transect | Other |
CCA (crustose coralline algae) | CCA | Algae |
CCA on dead branching | CCA_DB | Algae |
CCA growing on rubble | CCA_Rub | Algae |
Dead Pocillopora with sedimented turf | Dpocsed | Algae |
EAM: with sand | EAMsand | Algae |
Macroalgae | MAL | Algae |
Pink branching CCA on dead tabular coral | /pbCCAdtC | Algae |
Turf on dead branching | TBRA | Algae |
Turf algae | Turf | Algae |
Turf on rubble | Turf_rubbl | Algae |
Turf and sand | Turf_sand | Algae |