Name | Short Code | Functional Group |
Acropora cervicornis | AcrCerv | Hard coral |
Acropora palmata | AcrPalm | Hard coral |
Agaricia agaricites | AgAga | Hard coral |
Agaricia humilis | AgHum | Hard coral |
Agaricia lamarcki | AgLam | Hard coral |
Agaricia tenuifolia | AgTen | Hard coral |
Agaricia undata | AgUnd | Hard coral |
Agaricia/Undaria | BL-Aga | Hard coral |
Colpophyllia natans | CoNat | Hard coral |
Coral | Coral | Hard coral |
Acropora (arborescent) | D-Apalm | Hard coral |
Diploria labyrinthiformis | DiplLab | Hard coral |
Favia fragum | Favia | Hard coral |
Madracis auretenra | MadAure | Hard coral |
Montastrea cavernosa | MoCav | Hard coral |
Montastraea cavernosa | MontaCav | Hard coral |
Orbicella faveolata | OrbFav | Hard coral |
Porites astreoides | PAstr | Hard coral |
Porites furcata | PorFurc | Hard coral |
Siderastrea radians | SidRad | Hard coral |
Siderastrea siderea | SidSid | Hard coral |
Anemone | Anem | Other Invertebrates |
Echinoderms: Ophiuroids:Brittle / snake stars | Brittle | Other Invertebrates |
Bryozoan | bryozoan | Other Invertebrates |
Cliona | Clio | Other Invertebrates |
Corallimorpharia | Cmorph | Other Invertebrates |
Sea cucumber | cucumber | Other Invertebrates |
Diadema antillarum | Diad | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora | D-Mill | Other Invertebrates |
Echinometra viridis | Echino | Other Invertebrates |
Sponge: Encrusting | EncSpo | Other Invertebrates |
Worms: Polychaetes: Tube worms | FthrWrm | Other Invertebrates |
Anemone, unidentified | GntAnen | Other Invertebrates |
Tunicate | GntTun | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora alcicornis | Millalc | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora complanata | Millcomp | Other Invertebrates |
Echinometra spp | MINV_Ech | Other Invertebrates |
Octocorallia | Octocoral | Other Invertebrates |
Palythoa | Paly | Other Invertebrates |
Tube or Rod Sponge | RopSp | Other Invertebrates |
Sea Fan | Seafan | Other Invertebrates |
Soft Coral | SoftCoral | Other Invertebrates |
Sponge | SP | Other Invertebrates |
Polychaete - tube worm | Tube Worm | Other Invertebrates |
Individual Tunicates | Tunict | Other Invertebrates |
Zoanthid | Zoanthid | Other Invertebrates |
Coral rubble | Rubble_cor | Soft Substrate |
Sand | Sand | Soft Substrate |
Dead coral | D-Cor | Hard Substrate |
Dead Coral with Turf Sediment (LOF) | DEAD+TS | Hard Substrate |
Rock Rubble | RockRub | Hard Substrate |
Dead coral with algae | DeadAlg | Other |
Millepora 2 | PB-Mill | Other |
Broken coral rubble | PorRub | Other |
Amphiroa sp. | Amphi | Algae |
Benthic Microalgae on Sand | BMA-Sand | Algae |
Caulerpa | Caulerpa | Algae |
CCA (crustose coralline algae) | CCA | Algae |
Dictyota | Dictyota | Algae |
Macroalgae: Encrusting: calcareous | EncAlg | Algae |
Red fleshy algae | FlRedAlg | Algae |
Halimeda | Halimeda | Algae |
Lobophora | Loboph | Algae |
Macroalgae | MAL | Algae |
Algae (fleshy) | MixFlsyAlg | Algae |
Peyssonnelia | Peysson | Algae |
Porolithon | Porolith | Algae |
Turf Algae on Dead Coral (+ rubble) | TA on Dead | Algae |
Ventricaria sp. | Ventr | Algae |
White CCA | whtCCA | Algae |
Seagrass | Seagrass | Seagrass |