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This labelset has 31 labels:
Name Short Code Functional Group
Acropora (branching) ACB Hard coral
Acropora (digitate) ACD Hard coral
Acropora (encrusting) ACE Hard coral
Acropora (submassive) ACS Hard coral
Acropora (tabulate) ACT Hard coral
Hard Coral (branching) CB Hard coral
Hard Coral Digitate CD Hard coral
Hard Coral_Encrusting CE Hard coral
Hard Coral (foliose) CF Hard coral
Hard Coral Massive CM Hard coral
Fungia CMR Hard coral
Hard Coral (submassive) CS Hard coral
Recent Dead Coral DC Hard coral
Crustose Coralline CA Other Invertebrates
Heliopora CHL Other Invertebrates
Millepora CML Other Invertebrates
Soft Coral SC Other Invertebrates
Sponge SP Other Invertebrates
Zooanthid ZO Other Invertebrates
Sand S Soft Substrate
silt SI Soft Substrate
Dead coral with turf algae DCA Hard Substrate
Rock RCK Hard Substrate
Other OT Other
Rubble R Other
CREP-T1 Tape/Wand TAPE Other
Transect hardware Transect Other
Algal Assemblage AA Algae
Halimeda HA Algae
Macroalgae MA Algae
Turf algae TA Algae