Name | Short Code | Functional Group |
Acropora (digitate) | AcDig | Hard coral |
Acropora (encrusting) | AcEnc | Hard coral |
Acropora (branching) | Acro-Br | Hard coral |
Acropora (submassive) | AcroSub | Hard coral |
Acropora (tabulate) | AcroTab | Hard coral |
Fungia | Fung | Hard coral |
Hard coral | Hard | Hard coral |
Isopora | Isop | Hard coral |
Non-Acropora branching | NonAcBr | Hard coral |
Non-Acropora encrusting | NonAcEnc | Hard coral |
Non-Acropora foliose | NonAcF | Hard coral |
Non-Acropora massive | NonAcM | Hard coral |
Non-Acropora submassive | NonAcSub | Hard coral |
Pocilloporidae | POCI | Hard coral |
Poritidae (massive) | POR-MASS | Hard coral |
Ascidian | A | Other Invertebrates |
Corallimorpharia | CMOR | Other Invertebrates |
Crown of thorns starfish | COTS | Other Invertebrates |
Echinoderms: Ophiuroids | EO | Other Invertebrates |
Echinoderms: Sea stars | ESS | Other Invertebrates |
Echinoderms: sea urchin | EUR | Other Invertebrates |
Tridacna: Giant clam | GiCl | Other Invertebrates |
Heliopora | Helio | Other Invertebrates |
Hydroid | Hydra | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora | Mille | Other Invertebrates |
Mobile invertebrates 1 | MOB-INV | Other Invertebrates |
Molluscs: Gastropods | MOG | Other Invertebrates |
Other sessile invertebrates | OTH-SINV | Other Invertebrates |
Sea cucumber | SECO | Other Invertebrates |
Soft Coral | Soft | Other Invertebrates |
Sponge | Sponge | Other Invertebrates |
Tubipora musica | Tubi | Other Invertebrates |
Zoanthid | ZOAN | Other Invertebrates |
Sand | Sand | Soft Substrate |
Sediment | Sediment | Soft Substrate |
Dead coral | Dead | Hard Substrate |
Rock | Rock | Hard Substrate |
Dead coral with algae | DeadAlg | Other |
Fish | FISH | Other |
Non-Bio | Non-Bio | Other |
Broken coral rubble | Rubble | Other |
Shadow | SHAD | Other |
Trash | Trash | Other |
Unclear | Unc | Other |
Water | WATE | Other |
Articulate Calcareous Algae (ACA) | ACA | Algae |
Crustose Algae | C_A | Algae |
Corticated Foliose Algae | CFOL_A | Algae |
Corticated Macrophytes | CMACRO_A | Algae |
Algae (filamentous) | FIL_A | Algae |
Algae (foliose) | FOL_A | Algae |
Leathery Macrophytes | LMACRO_A | Algae |
Microalgae: cyanobacteria | MICRO_A | Algae |
Turf and sand | Turfsa | Algae |