This labelset has 53 labels:
Name Short Code Functional Group
Acropora cervicornis AcrCerv Hard coral
Acropora (encrusting) Acr_enc Hard coral
Acropora palmata AcrPalm Hard coral
Agaricia Agaricia Hard coral
Agaricia tenuifolia AgTen Hard coral
Bleached Acropora B_Acro Hard coral
Bleached Hard Coral B_HC Hard coral
Bleached Agaricia BLEAG Hard coral
Bleached Porites (massive) B_Por_mass Hard coral
Brain Corals brain_cor Hard coral
Dendrogyra cylindrus DenCyl Hard coral
Dead Hard Coral HC_dead Hard coral
Live Coral LICO Hard coral
Orbicella annularis OrbAnn Hard coral
Orbicella faveolata OrbFav Hard coral
Porites Dead POD Hard coral
Porites (branching) Por_branch Hard coral
Porites (massive) Por_mass Hard coral
Siderastrea siderea SidSid Hard coral
Cliona Clio Other Invertebrates
Encrusting sponge ENSP Other Invertebrates
Erythropodium (encrusting) GORG-ERY Other Invertebrates
Gorgonia spp. GORSPP Other Invertebrates
Millepora Millepora Other Invertebrates
Unidentified Octocoral Octocora Other Invertebrates
Other sessile invertebrates OTH-SINV Other Invertebrates
Rope sponge ROSP Other Invertebrates
Sponges: Massive forms: Barrels SMB Other Invertebrates
Sand Sand Soft Substrate
sandy mud sand_mud Soft Substrate
Dead Agaricia D_Agari Hard Substrate
CRED-Turf growing on hard substrate *TURFH Hard Substrate
Cyanobacteria CYANOB Other
Dead coral with algae DeadAlg Other
Holes Holes Other
Sand / Rubble SaRub Other
Unidentified UNIden Other
Brown fleshy algae BrFlesAlg Algae
CCA (crustose coralline algae) CCA Algae
Cyanobacteria turf sandy CyaTuSy Algae
Dictyota Dictyota Algae
Green fleshy algae GFA Algae
Lobophora Lobophora Algae
Macroalgae: Articulated calcareous: green MAACG Algae
Macroalgae: Encrusting: red MAENR Algae
Peyssonnelia Peysson Algae
Red algae, unidentified encrusting RAUE Algae
Red Macroalgae RedM Algae
Turf + Dictyota + Sediment TurfDicSed Algae
Turf and sand Turf_sand Algae
Syringodium filiforme SyrFil Seagrass
Thalassia testudinum ThalTes Seagrass
Thalassia+ sediement Th+sed Seagrass