Name | Short Code | Functional Group |
Agaricia agaricites | AAGA | Hard coral |
Acropora cervicornis | ACER | Hard coral |
Agaricia fragilis | AFRA | Hard coral |
Agaricia | AGAR | Hard coral |
Agaricia grahamae | AGRA | Hard coral |
Agaricia humilis | AHUM | Hard coral |
Agaricia lamarcki | ALAM | Hard coral |
Acropora palmata | APAL | Hard coral |
Acropora prolifera | APRO | Hard coral |
Agaricia tenuifolia | ATEN | Hard coral |
Agaricia undata | AUND | Hard coral |
Colpophyllia breviserialis | CBRE | Hard coral |
Colpophyllia natans | CNAt | Hard coral |
Coral | Coral | Hard coral |
Dendrogyra cylindrus | DCYL | Hard coral |
Diploria labyrinthiformis | DLAB | Hard coral |
Dichocoenia stellaris | DSTE | Hard coral |
Dichocoenia stokesi | DSTO | Hard coral |
Eusmilia fastigiata | EFAS | Hard coral |
Favia fragum | FFRA | Hard coral |
Stylaster roseus | Fire Sros | Hard coral |
Helioseris cucullata | HCUC | Hard coral |
Isophyllia sinuosa | ISIN | Hard coral |
Leptoseris cailleti | LCAI | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia aliciae | MALI | Hard coral |
Mussa angulosa | MANG | Hard coral |
Manicina areolata | MARE | Hard coral |
Madracis auretenra | MAUR | Hard coral |
Madracis carmabi | MCAR | Hard coral |
Montastraea cavernosa | MCAV | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia danaana | MDAN | Hard coral |
Madracis decacitis | MDEC | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia ferox | MFER | Hard coral |
Madracis formosa | MFOR | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia lamarckana | MLAM | Hard coral |
Meandrina meandrites | MMEA | Hard coral |
Madracis senaria | MSEN | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia | MYCE | Hard coral |
Orbicella annularis | OANN | Hard coral |
Oculina diffusa | ODIF | Hard coral |
Orbicella faveolata | OFAV | Hard coral |
Orbicella franksi | OFRA | Hard coral |
Porites astreoides | PAST | Hard coral |
Porites branneri | PBRA | Hard coral |
Pseudodiploria clivosa | PCLI | Hard coral |
Porites divaricata | PDIV | Hard coral |
Porites furcata | PFUR | Hard coral |
Porites porites | PPOR | Hard coral |
Pseudodiploria strigosa | PSTRI | Hard coral |
Solenastrea bournoni | SBOU | Hard coral |
Scolymia cubensis | SCUB | Hard coral |
Solenastrea hyades | SHYA | Hard coral |
Stephanocoenia intersepta | SINT | Hard coral |
Scolymia lacera | SLAC | Hard coral |
Stephanocoenia michellini | SMIC | Hard coral |
Siderastrea radians | SRAD | Hard coral |
Siderastrea siderea | SSID | Hard coral |
Ascidian | A | Other Invertebrates |
Pseudopterogorgia | ANTI | Other Invertebrates |
Briareum | BRIA | Other Invertebrates |
Chondrilla spp. | CHON | Other Invertebrates |
Clionid spp. | CLIONI | Other Invertebrates |
Erythropodium caribaeorum | ECAR | Other Invertebrates |
Encrusting sponge | ENSP | Other Invertebrates |
Eunicea spp. | EUNI | Other Invertebrates |
Gorgoniidae | GORGO | Other Invertebrates |
Gorgonia spp. | GVEN | Other Invertebrates |
Hydrozoa | HYDRO | Other Invertebrates |
Iciligorgia spp. | ICIL | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora alcicornis | MALC | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora complanata | MCOM | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora | Mille | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora squarrosa | MSQUA | Other Invertebrates |
Muricea spp. | MURI | Other Invertebrates |
Muriceopsis spp. | MURO | Other Invertebrates |
Other invertebrate | Other Inv | Other Invertebrates |
Palythoa | PALY | Other Invertebrates |
Plexaurella spp. | PLEL | Other Invertebrates |
Plexaura spp. | PLEX | Other Invertebrates |
Pseudoplexaura spp. | PSEUGORG | Other Invertebrates |
Pterogorgia | PTER | Other Invertebrates |
Sponge Other | SpgOth | Other Invertebrates |
Sponges: Massive forms: Barrels | SPONGB | Other Invertebrates |
Sponges: Branching, Rope Forms | SPONGR | Other Invertebrates |
Sponges: Vase | SPONGV | Other Invertebrates |
Tube or Rod Sponge | SPTU | Other Invertebrates |
Trididemnum spp. | TRIDI | Other Invertebrates |
Zoanthid | ZOAN | Other Invertebrates |
Loose Substrate: Rubble | LSUB_RUB | Soft Substrate |
Sand | Sand | Soft Substrate |
Limestone free of overgrowth | LIME | Hard Substrate |
Cyanobacteria films | CYAN | Other |
Schizothrix | Cyan red | Other |
Shadow | SHAD | Other |
TAPE | TAPE | Other |
Unknown | Unk | Other |
Amphiroa sp. | Amphi | Algae |
Branching and calcareous algae | BRAN-CALC | Algae |
Crustose coralline algae | CCA 1 | Algae |
Cyanobacterium sp. | Cya_spe | Algae |
Dictyota | Dicsp | Algae |
Halimeda spp. | Hal_spp | Algae |
Liagora | LIA | Algae |
Lobophora spp. | Lob_spp | Algae |
Macroalgae | Macro | Algae |
Padina | Pad | Algae |
Padina spp. | Pad_spp | Algae |
Porolithon | Poro | Algae |
Sargassum | Sarg | Algae |
Stypopodium sp. | Styp | Algae |
Turbinaria (algae) | Turbin | Algae |
Turf overgrowing recently dead coral | Turf coral | Algae |
Thick turf algae | Turf thick | Algae |
Grazed or thin turf | Turf thin | Algae |
Wrangelia | WRA | Algae |
Seagrass | Seagrass | Seagrass |
Thalassia | THAL | Seagrass |