Name | Short Code | Functional Group |
Agaricia spp. | AG | Hard coral |
Agaricia tenuifolia | AgTen | Hard coral |
Colpophyllia natans | CoNat | Hard coral |
Diploria labyrinthiformis | DiplLab | Hard coral |
Hard coral | HC | Hard coral |
Montastrea spp. | Mont_spp | Hard coral |
Orbicella | Orbicella | Hard coral |
Porites astreoides | PorAstr | Hard coral |
Porites (branching) | Por_branch | Hard coral |
Pseudodiploria strigosa | PseuStrig | Hard coral |
Siderastrea | Siderastr | Hard coral |
Briozoo | Bryo-1 | Other Invertebrates |
Encrusting sponge | ENSP | Other Invertebrates |
Erythropodium caribaeorum | ERYCAR | Other Invertebrates |
Eunicea spp. | EUNSPP | Other Invertebrates |
Gorgonia spp. | GORSPP | Other Invertebrates |
Unidentified Octocoral | Octocora | Other Invertebrates |
Palythoa caribaeorum | PCAR | Other Invertebrates |
Plexaurella spp. | PLEXSPP | Other Invertebrates |
Pseudopterogorgia | Pseudopter | Other Invertebrates |
Pterogorgia | Pterogorg | Other Invertebrates |
Red sponge | RedS | Other Invertebrates |
Sponge: Cliona | SINV_SPO_C | Other Invertebrates |
Sponges: Vase | SINV_SPO_V | Other Invertebrates |
Tube or Rod Sponge | SPTU | Other Invertebrates |
Unknown Sponge/Tunicate | SpTun | Other Invertebrates |
Unknown Invertebrate | Unkinvert | Other Invertebrates |
Unidentified orange sponge | UOS | Other Invertebrates |
Sand and sediment | Mix | Soft Substrate |
Sand | Sand | Soft Substrate |
sandy mud | sand_mud | Soft Substrate |
Sediment | Sediment | Soft Substrate |
Pavement | Pavement | Hard Substrate |
Unknown | Unk | Other |
Brown Macroalgae | BrownM | Algae |
Calcareous algae | CALG | Algae |
Dictyota spp | Dict | Algae |
Dictyota with Sediment | DictySed | Algae |
Green fleshy algae | GFA | Algae |
Lobophora spp. | Lob_spp | Algae |
Red Macroalgae | RedM | Algae |
Turf growing on hard substrate | TURFH | Algae |
Turf and sand | Turf_sand | Algae |
Turf with sediment | Turfsed | Algae |
Unknown macroalgae | UnkMacroa | Algae |
Upright fleshy macroalgae | UPMA | Algae |