This labelset has 131 labels:
Name Short Code Functional Group
Agaricia agaricites AAGA Hard coral
Agaricia agaricites - Bleached AAGA_BL Hard coral
Acropora cervicornis ACER Hard coral
Acropora cervicornis - bleached ACER_BL Hard coral
Agaricia fragilis AFRA Hard coral
Agaricia AGAR Hard coral
Bleached Agaricia AGAR_BL Hard coral
Agaricia grahamae AGRA Hard coral
Agaricia humilis AHUM Hard coral
Agaricia lamarcki ALAM Hard coral
Agaricia Lamarcki - Bleached ALAM_BL Hard coral
Acropora palmata APAL Hard coral
Acropora palmata - Bleached APAL_BL Hard coral
Acropora prolifera APRO Hard coral
Agaricia tenuifolia ATEN Hard coral
Agaricia tenuifolia - Bleached ATEN_BL Hard coral
Colpophyllia natans CNAT Hard coral
Bleached Colpophyllia natans CNAT_BL Hard coral
Dendrogyra cylindrus DCYL Hard coral
Diploria labyrinthiformis DLAB Hard coral
Diploria labyrinthiformis - Bleached DLAB_BL Hard coral
Dichocoenia stellaris DSTE Hard coral
Dichocoenia stokesi DSTO Hard coral
Bleached Dichocoenia stokesi DSTO_BL Hard coral
Eusmilia fastigiata EFAS Hard coral
Eusmilia fastigiata - Bleached EFAS_BL Hard coral
Favia fragum FFRA Hard coral
Favia fragum - Bleached FFRA_BL Hard coral
Helioseris cucullata HCUC Hard coral
Isophyllia sinuosa ISIN Hard coral
Bleached Isophyllia ISOP_BL Hard coral
Mycetophyllia aliciae MALI Hard coral
Mycetophyllia aliciae - Bleached MALI_BL Hard coral
Mussa angulosa MANG Hard coral
Manicina areolata MARE Hard coral
Madracis auretenra MAUR Hard coral
Madracis aurentenra - Bleached MAUR_BL Hard coral
Montastraea cavernosa MCAV Hard coral
Montastraea cavernosa - Bleached MCAV_BL Hard coral
Mycetophyllia danaana MDAN Hard coral
Madracis decacitis MDEC Hard coral
Madracis decactis - Bleached MDEC_BL Hard coral
Mycetophyllia ferox MFER Hard coral
Millepora spp. - Bleached MILL_BL Hard coral
Mycetophyllia lamarckana MLAM Hard coral
Meandrina meandrites MMEA Hard coral
Bleached Meandrina MMEA_BL Hard coral
Madracis senaria MSEN Hard coral
Mycetophyllia MYCE Hard coral
Mycetophyllia - bleached MYCE_BL Hard coral
Orbicella annularis OANN Hard coral
Bleached Orbicella annularis OANN_BL Hard coral
Oculina diffusa ODIF Hard coral
Orbicella faveolata OFAV Hard coral
Bleached Orbicella faveolata OFAV_BL Hard coral
Orbicella franksi OFRA Hard coral
Bleached Orbicella franksi OFRA_BL Hard coral
Orbicella spp. ORBI Hard coral
Orbicella spp. - Bleached ORBI_BL Hard coral
Porites astreoides PAST Hard coral
Bleached Porites astreoides PAST_BL Hard coral
Pseudodiploria clivosa PCLI Hard coral
Bleached Pseudodiploria clivosa PCLI_BL Hard coral
Porites divaricata PDIV Hard coral
Porites furcata PFUR Hard coral
Porites porites PPOR Hard coral
Porites porites - bleached PPOR_BL Hard coral
Pseudodiploria strigosa- Bleached PSTR_BL Hard coral
Pseudodiploria strigosa PSTRI Hard coral
Solenastrea bournoni SBOU Hard coral
Coral SCLER Hard coral
Scolymia cubensis SCUB Hard coral
Scolymia cubensis - Bleached SCUB_BL Hard coral
Solenastrea hyades SHYA Hard coral
Stephanocoenia intersepta SINT Hard coral
Scolymia lacera SLAC Hard coral
Siderastrea radians SRAD Hard coral
Bleached Siderastrea radians SRAD_BL Hard coral
Stylaster roseus SROS Hard coral
Siderastrea siderea SSID Hard coral
Siderastrea siderea - Bleached SSID_BL Hard coral
Pseudopterogorgia ANTI Other Invertebrates
Ascidian ASCID Other Invertebrates
Briareum BRIA Other Invertebrates
Clionid spp. CLIO Other Invertebrates
Erythropodium caribaeorum ECAR Other Invertebrates
Encrusting sponge ENSP Other Invertebrates
Eunicea spp. EUNI Other Invertebrates
Gorgoniidae GORG Other Invertebrates
Gorgonia spp. GVEN Other Invertebrates
Hydrozoa HYDRO Other Invertebrates
Iciligorgia spp. ICIL Other Invertebrates
Millepora alcicornis MALC Other Invertebrates
Millepora complanata MCOM Other Invertebrates
Millepora MILLE Other Invertebrates
Millepora squarrosa MSQU Other Invertebrates
Muricea spp. MURI Other Invertebrates
Muriceopsis spp. MURO Other Invertebrates
Other invertebrate Other Inv Other Invertebrates
Palythoa PALY Other Invertebrates
Plexaurella spp. PLEL Other Invertebrates
Plexaura spp. PLEX Other Invertebrates
Pseudoplexaura spp. PSEUGORG Other Invertebrates
Pterogorgia PTER Other Invertebrates
Sponges: Massive forms: Barrels SPGB Other Invertebrates
Sponge Other SpgOth Other Invertebrates
Sponges: Branching, Rope Forms SPGR Other Invertebrates
Tube or Rod Sponge SPGT Other Invertebrates
Sponges: Vase SPGV Other Invertebrates
Zoanthid ZOAN Other Invertebrates
Loose Substrate: Rubble RUB Soft Substrate
Sand Sand Soft Substrate
Limestone free of overgrowth LIME Hard Substrate
Cyanobacteria films CYAN Other
Equipment EQ Other
Fish FISH Other
Shadow SHAD Other
Unknown Unk Other
Branching and calcareous algae BRAN-CALC Algae
Crustose coralline algae CCA Algae
Cyanobacterium sp. Cya_spe Algae
Dictyota DICT Algae
Halimeda spp. HALI Algae
Lobophora spp. LOBO Algae
Macroalgae Macro Algae
Sargassum SARG Algae
Turbinaria (algae) TURB Algae
Turf algae TURF Algae
Seagrass Seagrass Seagrass
Syringodium filiforme SFIL Seagrass
Thalassia THAL Seagrass