Name | Short Code | Functional Group |
Acropora cervicornis | AcrCerv | Hard coral |
Acropora palmata | AcrPalm | Hard coral |
Acropora prolifera | AcrPro | Hard coral |
Agaricia agaricites | AgAga | Hard coral |
Agaricia fragilis | AgFra | Hard coral |
Agaricia grahamae | AgGra | Hard coral |
Agaricia humilis | AgHum | Hard coral |
Agaricia lamarcki | AgLam | Hard coral |
Agaricia tenuifolia | AgTen | Hard coral |
Agaricia undata | AgUnd | Hard coral |
Bleached Hard Coral | B_HC | Hard coral |
Agaricia Lamarcki - Bleached | CB-ALAM | Hard coral |
Dichocoenia stellaris | CIS | Hard coral |
Colpophyllia breviserialis | COB | Hard coral |
Colpophyllia natans | CoNat | Hard coral |
Coral Juvenile | Cor_juv | Hard coral |
Dendrogyra cylindrus | DenCyl | Hard coral |
Dichocoenia stokesi | Dicho_stok | Hard coral |
Diploria labyrinthiformis | DiplLab | Hard coral |
Diseased Coral | DISCORAL | Hard coral |
Diploria stigosa | DS | Hard coral |
Eusmilia fastigiata | EFAS | Hard coral |
Favia fragum | FaviaFrag | Hard coral |
Hard coral | HC | Hard coral |
Isophyllia sinuosa | IsophSin | Hard coral |
Leptoseris cucullata | LEPCU | Hard coral |
Manicina areolata | MAA | Hard coral |
Madracis decactis | MadDeca | Hard coral |
Madracis mirabilis | MAMI | Hard coral |
Meandrina jacksoni | MEANJ | Hard coral |
Meandrina meandrites | MM | Hard coral |
Montastrea cavernosa | MoCav | Hard coral |
Mussa angulosa | MUSANG | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia aliciae | MycetAli | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia danaana | MycetDan | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia ferox | MycetFer | Hard coral |
Mycetophyllia lamarckana | MycetLam | Hard coral |
Oculina diffusa | OCD | Hard coral |
Orbicella annularis | OrbAnn | Hard coral |
Orbicella faveolata | OrbFav | Hard coral |
Orbicella franksi | OrbFrank | Hard coral |
psuedodiploria clivosa | PCLI | Hard coral |
Porites astreoides | PorAstr | Hard coral |
Porites branneri | PorBran | Hard coral |
Porites divaricata | PorDiv | Hard coral |
Porites furcata | PorFurc | Hard coral |
Porites porites | PorPor | Hard coral |
Recently killed coral | RKC | Hard coral |
Scolymia cubensis | SCOCUB | Hard coral |
Scolymia lacera | SCOLA | Hard coral |
Siderastrea radians | SidRad | Hard coral |
Siderastrea siderea | SidSid | Hard coral |
Solenastrea hyades | SOL | Hard coral |
Solenastrea bournoni | SOLBOU | Hard coral |
Stephanocoenia intersepta | StephInt | Hard coral |
Tubastraea aurea | TA | Hard coral |
Ascidian | ASCD | Other Invertebrates |
Dead Gorgonian | DG | Other Invertebrates |
Erythropodium | erythro | Other Invertebrates |
Eunicea spp. | EUNSPP | Other Invertebrates |
Gorgonian | GOR | Other Invertebrates |
Briareum | GORG-BRI | Other Invertebrates |
Iciligorgia spp. | ICISPP | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora alcicornis | MILA | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora complanata | MILC | Other Invertebrates |
Millepora squarrosa | MIS | Other Invertebrates |
Muriceopsis spp. | MURISPP | Other Invertebrates |
Muricea spp. | MURSPP | Other Invertebrates |
Palythoa | PALYTHO | Other Invertebrates |
Pseudopterogorgia sp | PGorg | Other Invertebrates |
Plexaura spp. | PLESPP | Other Invertebrates |
Plexaurella spp. | PLEXSPP | Other Invertebrates |
Pseudoplexaura spp. | PSESPP | Other Invertebrates |
Pseudopterogorgia | Pseudopter | Other Invertebrates |
Pterogorgia | Pterogorg | Other Invertebrates |
Sponge | SP | Other Invertebrates |
Trididemnum solidum | TSOL | Other Invertebrates |
Zoanthid | Zoanthid | Other Invertebrates |
Sand | Sand | Soft Substrate |
Dead coral with turf algae | TURDHC | Hard Substrate |
Cyanobacteria | CYANOB | Other |
Schizothrix | Cyan red | Other |
Dead coral with algae | DeadAlg | Other |
other disease | OD | Other |
All other | Other | Other |
Rubble | Rubble | Other |
Shadow | SHAD | Other |
TAPE | TAPE | Other |
Unknown | Unk | Other |
Wand | WAND | Other |
white band disease | WBD | Other |
Amphiroa sp. | Amphi | Algae |
CCA (crustose coralline algae) | CCA | Algae |
Dictyota | Dictyota | Algae |
Halimeda | Halimeda | Algae |
Liagora | LIA | Algae |
Lobophora | Lobophora | Algae |
Macroalgae | MAL | Algae |
Padina | Padina | Algae |
Peyssonnelia | Peysson | Algae |
Porolithon | Poro | Algae |
Sargassum | Sargassum | Algae |
Stypopodium sp. | Styp | Algae |
Turbinaria (algae) | Turbin | Algae |
Turf algae | Turf | Algae |
Wrangelia | WRA | Algae |
Halophila stipulacea | HalophStip | Seagrass |